Macao is changing nowadays. A lot of people can earn enough to support them to spend money in many ways. But to me I just want to spend my money in a reasonable way. When I need something, then I buy something. In reality, I save money in different way. In reality, I am not stingy person. I am used to buying something for my interest.
Unluckily, my interests are too many so than I have to spent a lot of money for them in my life.
Many people they buy a great deal of things that they are not really need them. They just want to hold something to fulfill their desire of shopping. These kind of people were named shopaholic by psychologist. There are Hong Kong movie untitled the shopaholics which about a woman who could not stop shopping . And the main actor in the film, he had big problem in making decision. I think I also have the same problem as him especially when I have to decide what kind of food I need to eat.
How to make decision? That is a quite big problem to me. Not only I have this problem on choosing food but also on other things. I’m a multi-mind girl.( I mean, 三心兩意) so I invariably change my mind.
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