Saturday, September 30, 2006
Thank you my love YoYo
You are the best nice friends that I have ever known. As my said to you, I really want that we can keep a long-life relationship. I am afraid you will forget me.
In the past year, I learned so much from you. I still want to learn a lot from you, not only for English but also the life of attitude. I think it is very important.
In the past year, I fell very comfortable with you. You are good patience fully out of my imagination. How can you keep your temple in a peaceful situation often? I think Mr. Kuong is very luck to have you.
Anyway, I hope you can have a good future. I surely you must have a bright life as son flower.
Don’t forget me. And don’t refuse and call and my question about English at any time , any day, any month and any year.
I am missing without you.
I am losing without you.
I can’t believe that you won’t stand by me.
I can’t believe that you won’t come with me.
Friend, when you feel tired, don’t forget you still have me
Friend, when you fell lost, don’t forget I will come with you.
Mid-night Birthday Party at office
Last night I worked until mid night around 1:00. It was horrible. I almost went mad for job. I hardly opened my eyes to see the words that I had to proofread without any mistakes.
Originally, I had go to Sopia’s home at 10:00pm but I couldn’t go on time at the end.
When I almost finished my work, I saw a guy who was looking me at outside of my office. You know, it was mid-night, I felt scale. Then, I was the guy was Harrison.
Harrison, Ike, Sopia and Island brought the birthday cake to me. Oh man! I was so surprised. I couldn’t believe that. They were so nice to me.
They sang the birthday song in different languages such as English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Portuguese. That was the most beautiful song that I have ever heard.
I will remember this moment for forever.
After my surprise birthday party, we went to Sopia’s home to continue our gathering.
Sopia cooked some Portuguese food ,salad and vegetable soup for us. The taste was good.
We sit on the floor to talk and drink. I was happy with them together. But I was tired so that couldn’t speak a lot and slept quite fast. I held the same post sleeping on the floor. But they talked whole night. Can you imagine how they could do that? They were full of energy.
Anyway, friends, you gave me a very special night.
Friends, you gave me a very good cake.
I love you all. Hope can with you celebrating my every birthday.
Mr Chang giving me a big surprise for my birthday
Due to this case, I thing Mr. Chang have changed his mind. He will do something that it is worth to do as me. From now on, we have to change our life or just doing things that we really want to do.
Today was my important day. Lots of things have been happened. It was also my birthday , after that, I will have to face more challenges in my life. I don’t know if I could win but I will try my best.
My birthday wishes are – all of my dreams will come true. I talked to myself, for one thing – English, I will let you see how I win you.
PS: I received many calls and message from my friends. They sent their blessing to me. My colleagues held a mini birthday party for me even though they were very busy today. Ah Fa took a cake to come to campus. I was quite moved by her sincerity although I was not her target (joking).
It is hard to express my appreciation in few words. (片言隻語難表謝意)But let me take this opportunity to say thank you to all . Thank you very much. I hope our friendship will last forever.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Birthday thinks
Even though I wasn’t expecting that will have something happen to me.
I have decided to buy one thing as my birthday’s present within this week.
What would I need? Let me think one night.
Pls see below my poem. You will get more from it.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I attended an interview today. I don’t know whether it was a right decision. Anyone told me that I should attend it before, as I need this job. I need to save money for my further purpose. Anyway, I was there and finished it.
We usually don’t want to step double, at the end, we have to face the reality. No doubt, this choice has already changed my life. I’m waiting the result. If the result doesn’t meet my expectation, I will still have next choice. I am still struggling in which result should I love?. I am not sure. When my mother gave birth to me , I had a embarrassment for making decision for myself.
After the interview, I found my poor English is not enough to express what I was thinking. How can I improve English in a shortly time? I always ask me and my friends. I think, the best way is -- no job , no fun , just studying at home, speaking with English teacher and friends. This is also my current dream, although I know it would not come true soon However, I believe in nothing is impossible. I am expecting my dream will come true someday.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Release your stress
Why I had this thinking? This was very oddness and mystery. This kind of feeling frequently happens to me. This moment I feel happy and next second I will be feel unhappy. Am I a sensitivity girl? Perhaps I am.
Before yesterday, a woman jumped out of a higher building and died. She was a civil servant. She was depressed by her job. I don’t think anything can’t be changed. If she didn’t like her job and her higher-up, why not quitted the job and find another one again?.
Most people do not know how to release their pressure. They do not know what is most important to them? I think there are nothing can’ not give up. How I release my stress? I would try to speak to my close friends or write down on my article. Language may be a good way to release your stress.
Mind Map
The course‘s intention is teaching us how to enhance our memory?
What’s the best or easy way to remember things?
Imagination and association are the most important elements when you try to remember something. For example, When you start to remember an article, you should try to use symbol or graphic to remember its contents easily.
I always forget something so I hope this course can strengthen my capability of memory.
The next class will be on this Saturday. I am expecting it.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
A woman who slept with 100 men
Her ad calls for him to be”Tall and slim with pale skin, eyes not too big and a curving smile. (高而瘦長,皮膚帶點蒼白,細眼,嘴角帶笑). And he should be aged between 25 and 35 and be living in Beijing. Foreigner and virgins ok, too”
Ms Mu told the reportered she wants her husband should have sense of humour, but not be a chatterbox (喋喋不休 或囉囉嗦嗦 或長氣袋 或像唐憎一樣講過不停). He should be clean , not a neat freak(潔癖).
There have been about 2500 responses, including an offer from a woman in Australia.
Ms Mu doesn’t want to live together with her husband all the time. Just live together at the weekend or spend time apart. She wants a pretty open marriage. She agonists a normal saying among women that is “you’re mind and I’m yours.” I agree with her point. One day if I marry someone, I still mine.
She doesn’t like living together with someone as well. So do I . I want to be free. And one difference from her is I am not seeking a husband. I thought just be friend is better than husband. I don’t believe marriage.
Ms Mu changes man so often. The main reason is she likes lasting love. So she has to sleep with many men. I am so curious how come she wants a husband instead of many men. Frankly, I don’t understand and don’t like this kind of woman. But I admire her courage to make a clean breast in public.
For her more details, pls see below site
Friday, September 15, 2006
Landscape in the mist
What a busy today! I can’t relax even one second.
After leaving office, I didn’t want to face my cool computer again. So I went out for taking picture. Why do I love taking picture? Because I like thinking and it can let me feel relax. Besides ,I like something are captured in my lens. In camera, things can be beautiful more then true.
I like this picture that I stood in front of the window frame. I became one of the frames. I expected to see something but nothing. It seemed like my current suitation. I cound't see my future. In front of me, there were a wall. I hoped to pull it down but I can't. Actually, I didn't do nothing same as the me in this picture. Can you see something in the fram? Does it look like landscape in the mist. (霧中風景)
In this picture, I set Mr. Change standing behind me and looking at the frame. In the picture, our distance was so close, but actually we never touch each other. Otherwise, when you see it, then you will find that there are two viewpoints. It was very interesting. In future, I will take “a series of distance” for it . This series will be named “Want Touch” . Friends, Are you expecting?
Tell you, I don’t like to write down any idea for my creation. I just leave them in my mind. I like improvisation so I am not a good planning person.
Tonight I just took several pieces of pictures. But it has been spent around 2 hours. Creation is an expensive work.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Existing fate is not existing forever既定命運不會存在永遠
Everyone has his taste of Music. I like country music and classical. Maybe you like pop, jazz, hip hop or rap-talk. Don’t want to change other’s taste. Taste is very special. I hard to express it truly. No high class or low class in taste. But it is classified by some sort of people. That people are expecting to use this stupid way to raise their value.
Some people lack of ideas of their own.(缺乏主見) They always follow up some guidance of their parents, friends, teachers as well as fellows. They don’t like to have their decision. I know, somehow we are tired to make any decision for ourselves ,indeed . We are willing to leave the chance to those who wants to show their power of personality. In some cases, strong as me, I won’t have ideas on something. I am happy to wait better ideas from my friends. Why? Just want to keep an open mind to accept any newthing. If their ideas are sharp, then you would get more value things from them. Furthermore, you could know what are they thinking about?Let’s get back to the topic. What number of music do you like? I like to hear background music in film(電影配樂), especially the music in Krzysztof Kieslowski’s films. All of music in his films I love. Kieslowski was a genius of film. His film are full with light and heavy of life, contingency, chance, choice for human life, powerless of life and foreordination. I was shocked and flushed by his filming sadness. I also felt lonely, as well as the important thing that made me fell empty for life. I felt I couldn’t control my fate. I knew it was true.
You never want to change the fate. Fatally, some people usually attempt to challenge it. But at the end, their efforts had no smallest chance of success. As a matter of fact, Fate is not allowed to change. Foreordination always is the main topic in Kieslowski’s film. He was a pessimist(悲觀主義者). So when you watch his movie, you will feel extremely sad . After leaving cinema, you will never forget this kind of feeling.Surely, If you are optimistic, soon you would forget the mood in Kieslowski’s film .Although something has been existed, you still have power to change it. Existing fate is not existing forever. (既定命運不會存在永遠)---(Friends, I want to express the meaning of Chinese, but my English is not enough to express it clearly. Please help!)
PS: When I started to write this article, I only wanted to use five words to make sentence-- Taste / Guidance / number / existing. Eventually, I finished an article using them. Oh, that was my fate, I couldn’t control. )
Monday, September 11, 2006
Romantic Moment

This picture was taken one mother ago. The color was very beautiful. I specially like the old couple in the picture.
It was so romantic. I think the felling of romantic do not belong among young people. Older people still have right to enjoy their love and show their love in public.
Actually, I was not sure whether they were couple or not. Anyway, artist is always needs more imagination. Am I right ?
but who cares of it. Just enjoy the romantic moment in our life.
Electric Shadow

I’ m reading a book named Electric Shadow”(同場加映)written by Mark(邁克) who is a famous film critic . I have forgotten the first time that I read his book.
I like his writing style. He use many very local word in his articles. The wordings are Cantonese style, funny as well as interesting. Once his new book is on sell in market , I must buy them home. I can’t wait to read his book. He is one of my favorite authors that I have ever seen.
Dog and Cat

“I was a dog ten years ago. Ten years later will be a cat “ 十年前我可能是狗,十年後我可能是貓“ This sentence said by the top brilliance of mind of Hong Kong Tao Kit (香港第一才子陶傑)。
I read his interview in Ming Pao published on 10 Sept 2006. I know he is very popular in cultural society of HK. His English is very good. But I seldom read his book. I just know he is a cultural worker. He writes book, hosts radio programs, etc. He also was named mass person.
Dog always follow his/her master. It has not idea about his/her life. But it is kind,friendly and warm. Cat is snaky and lonely. Tt only needs itself.
what do you think? If you have to choose an animal to represent you , then what would you choose?
Photo downloaded from
How to make decision

Macao is changing nowadays. A lot of people can earn enough to support them to spend money in many ways. But to me I just want to spend my money in a reasonable way. When I need something, then I buy something. In reality, I save money in different way. In reality, I am not stingy person. I am used to buying something for my interest.
Unluckily, my interests are too many so than I have to spent a lot of money for them in my life.
Many people they buy a great deal of things that they are not really need them. They just want to hold something to fulfill their desire of shopping. These kind of people were named shopaholic by psychologist. There are Hong Kong movie untitled the shopaholics which about a woman who could not stop shopping . And the main actor in the film, he had big problem in making decision. I think I also have the same problem as him especially when I have to decide what kind of food I need to eat.
How to make decision? That is a quite big problem to me. Not only I have this problem on choosing food but also on other things. I’m a multi-mind girl.( I mean, 三心兩意) so I invariably change my mind.
Woke up lately
I woke up very late, around 13:00. I couldn’t imagine that I woke up so late. I was afraid that I would be late for the examination started on 14:00PM. After washing my face, eating several pieces of bread, I ran out of home. Luckily, I reached examination room on 14:10PM. It wasn’t late too much, I thought. Everyone examinee was doing the paper seriously.
The examination questions were not very difficulty to me except the part of translation. But because I was there, I had responsibility to finish it. I believe that I had enough ability to do that, although the result was not perfect, I knew. I finished it using my heart.( This sentence is very Cantonese)
After examination, I went to have my hair cut. It spent me almost two hours. The hairstyles just made my hair little change. So when I got home, the first sentence Mr.Chang talked to me: ”Did he cut your hair?” (咁叫剪左頭髮?) Yes, He did, sure.
I was not satisfied the hairstyles that he did this time. I have decided I will find another one instead next time. And the other reason, that the fee have been risen to $140 for cutting hair. It was very expensive. I could not bear this sort of high consumption.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Ten minutes firework

I went to Zhu Hoi by myself today. I didn’t want to stay home because Aunt needed to clean up my mass home this morning.
I felt extremely tired today because I stayed tea resident’s home whole night. Actually, I already couldn’t control my eyes at 1:00am last night. In my mind just wanted to lay on a sweet bad immediately. But Ike, Tracy, Harrison and the new friend, Stanley a Indian handsome guy still full of energy. While I slept in the little sofa, I still heard their talking voice.
Though Ike and Stanley talked whole night, in the morning they wanted to drink coffee. A cup of morning coffee? They were really crazy guys, thought.
When I came back home, I just wanted to jump in my big bed at once. At the end I didn’t want to waste my time so I decided leave home for China.
I went to bookstore, massage as usual. Nothing special at Zhu Hoi today.
Tonight was the second scene of the international firework 2006. I went to lakeside to record the remarkable moment.. The firework started on time. But ten minutes later, it suddenly ended up. I supposed it would start again but it hadn’t. It must be caused by weather.
And then, Mr.Chang and me left with disappointment. In these shortly time, we only took several pieces of photos. It weren’t very good. But the firework in the picture seemed clearer than the first time that we took in the last weekend.
PS: Tomorrow I will have an exam. I am not sure if I can get a high mark, but I will do my best.
God blesses me!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Thanks, God!
While I drove my motorcycle on the most longest bridge in Macao, it was suddenly rain heavily. I became a raining hen(落湯雞) even I dressed in an raincoat.
I was afraid that I should be attacked by strong bolt. Hence, I ceaselessly prayed that I wouldn’t die on the bridge.
How deeply dark the city! I had no longer to see frontage. Macao seemed to be disappeared at that moment. Maybe I could describe it using Lost of city!
Lucky, I eventually went back home around 7:30PM without any accident. I deeply appreciated God’s kindness and attention.
I got home at the end! Thanks, God!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
First General English Class

I’ve been expected for the general English which host by DSEJ, since I took it one month ago. Today was the first class so I went to classroom at 7:00. The teacher, Ms Wu, actually she would like us to call her Mrs.Wu, who was burn in HK . She was graduated from Hong Kong University. When she studied in HKU, her family immigrated to Canada. Later on, she went to there to join her family either. She got her master degree in Canada. Many years later ,She went back to HK. Then She came to Macau in 1990 starting her teaching life in Macao until now.
Ms Wu looks so young even she is not young. She always smiles and speaks fast. But sometime, in case everyone knows what she says, she would speak slowly. Tonight, We played a game at the beginning of class. She showed all of photos that were taken on her every birthday in the past. Everyone was given a piece. Then we arranged it according to her birthday’s sequence. We need to introduce what happened in the pictures one by one. I was given the picture of one-year old birthday so I was the first one to introduce the background story to my classmates.
This was a good way to push us to speak. After game, we began our lesson on. Today’s lesson taught “introducing friend”. I fell a little boring because I though it was too easy. However, it was first time I was there. I should be patient. Just wait next class I though to myself. Hope I can learn much than today.
Feel boring

I am tired and tired and tired. Tired for working, studying, walking, driving, talking, eating, thinking, joking, aspiring, scrawling, celebrating, feeling, touching, acting,
something, doing, singing, chatting, moving, speaking, smiling, boring, laughing, skinning, skipping, snapping, interesting, downing, listening, scaling, steaming, matching, flattering, littering, nothing, supporting, earning, sitting, laying, lying, sleeping, standing, opening, closing, shaking, keeping, going, zooming, nosing, appealing, bothering, canceling, dancing, drawing, effecting, anything….

Today, I fell lost of any strength to do anything. I was a good actress to hide myself, that’s why nobody had found my feeling. My feeling likes these picture that can't see anything.
I always think of my life. What is life? What am I going to do? What I want to do ? What can make me feel happy?
No answer who can give me ? I feel lost.
I don’t want to live a standard life, for instance, work for kids, earn for house, etc.
I just want to work for my dream. Except it, no more, believe me.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Fish scale

I was not used to take landscape .I’ve changed right now because I think the landscape can record the changing of moment of the nature. Certainly I still love to take people. I still love to use picture expressing my idea about this city live and changes.
Today, the weather was very fascinating that full of fish scale . While I see it, I couldn’t to find even a word to describe. How beautiful! I was absolutely captured by it.
What do you think? If you want to see more pictures, please welcome to my album and leave your costly comments.
Ella Cheong ‘s Album:,24591
Blog Archive
- Thank you my love YoYo
- Mid-night Birthday Party at office
- Mr Chang giving me a big surprise for my birthday
- Birthday thinks
- Struggling
- Release your stress
- Mind Map
- A woman who slept with 100 men
- Landscape in the mist
- Existing fate is not existing forever既定命運不會存在永遠
- Romantic Moment
- Electric Shadow
- Dog and Cat
- How to make decision
- Woke up lately
- Ten minutes firework
- Thanks, God!
- First General English Class
- Feel boring
- Fish scale
About Me
- Ella
- 一念和Ella屬同族同源,卻又各自為政,且各有喜好,此乃終極矛盾之組合,正符陰陽調和之氣。