Just came back from a talk relating to Da Vinci Code and its film. The speaker named Chan Yu, who is a film critic from Hong Kong. He always has his point of view in watching movie , and regularly focuses on sexual relationship whenever he watches any movie.
Just as tonight ‘s talk, even it was referring to Da Vinci Code, he also could find the sexual problem . This was very interesting.
Mr.Chan said most of gays group who believed in Jesus were attacked by the Da Vinci Code. In the past, the gays believed Jesus was bachelorism and never had his family, Since the book occurred , the tradition have been broken. They are confused how to support their choice in sex.
I believe the theory of evolution so that I often to doubt the Jesus whether existed in the world. I always to ask somebody who trust religion why would you have faith in God. Most of time I was not satisfied the answers.
I haven’t finished read the Da Vinci Code yet ,and haven’t watch the film. So I am not clearly realize what Mr Chan said about the details. I will go to see the movie on Sunday . I am expecting to see it . Hopefully I could understand it after watching.
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