Could you tell me what the most important thing to human is? Health, family, lover, career, or…dream.
To some kind of people, busy would let them stopping thinking. I belong that kind of person—more job, more thinking.
When you feel tire, what would you do? Take a break , take a drink with friends, take a picture for yourself, or take a long vacation(悠長假期).
I prefer the last one. It means that is a true long vacation, not only one week or ten days.
I know you would tell me I just had three days in the past week. Three days are not enough to me. You would also say: Man should content with what you hold, but no man is content.
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- 一念和Ella屬同族同源,卻又各自為政,且各有喜好,此乃終極矛盾之組合,正符陰陽調和之氣。
應該說 "no one."
過去,西方國家用 "man" 代表全人間,但現在我們的說法已改變了.
These days we usually don’t use the word “man” to refer to all people, we only use it to refer to males. (And since the article is really about yourself…)
OH, thank you for your correction.
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