Since I took an English course I have not much time to watch
I rarely watch television program, but every once a while I watch the late show David Letterman. I like his style and humor. I know there are many couch people all over the world since the television had been invented. While the kind of people are sitting in couch to watch TV, they eat potato. We also call them Couch Potato.
Most of people always say TV make them fell comfy and release stress. In my point of view, it is waste of time. If you spend several hours to watch the series program, you can do nothing every night in terms of reading a book, learning, listening music, watch movie.
TV program has its benefit infrequently. When I meet my friends now and then, they will talk about last night ‘s TV program. In this situation, I only can say “I have no idea about it, sorry.” Therefore, TV would be a good topic to communicate between friendships. TV is the most common measure in Society, though.
Nowadays, lots of people choose to watch DVD at home instead of seeing a movie at cinema. In the past, there are matinee that screened movie outside on daytime. I have never seen it in Macao. But when I was ten-year-old, I saw it a time. I was sitting on the ground. The move was a classical Chinese movie that about 72 families lived in a house. It was very interesting, indelible, unforgotten. You only take a little bucks for matinee in somewhere, in my countryside, It was entirely free for all. Now, there are no longer matinee will be screened, the village people love TV more than any entertainment.
I understand why TV is more popular then film. At first, TV is free for charge. Second, You can watch TV without thinking, it will tell you anything throughout the dialogues. But in film, you can find out something that you cannot imagine. Third, film is the eighth art, you would enjoy the music, photograph, fine arts, sculpture, fashion, etc.
I’m craving will be have a matinee in Macao on occasion. It’s my dream.
PS: Today I learned below new words. I try to make them into an essay. The sentences are not very well, pls free to comment and correct.
Every once in a while/now and then/crave /rarely/infrequently/ comfy/bucks/on occasion/peak/benefit/matinee/couch person/shrink/out throat business/society/measure
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