Tuesday, April 10, 2007
About reading
English. He gave me two books. One of them is a series story about Macao.
In the past, I spent a lot time to read Chinese novel and essay instead of English.
Since I study English from the Beginning of 2006 , I began to read a lot of English articles except novel.
During my studying time, I only read a novel written by a South America author. In the book, the novelist used simple English to express the most complicate thinking.
How to definite a book which is good or bad? I think You can use the expression of word. Even though some authors can write in abstruse wordings, but their contents are still powerless and colourless.
Reading English to me is difficult but I believe it can improve my English just as I studied Chinese in childhood. Reading day and night , then, you would find you could write without barrier suddenly.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Die-hard fan

By Jessie Tao (chinadaily.com.cn)Updated: 2007-03-29 17:18
The undated photo show Andy Lau (L) taking a photo with Yang Lijuan, who has been on a 13-year craze for the Hong Kong pop star. [sina.com via Andy Lau's Fans Club]
Chinese parents are known for their willingness to do whatever for the happiness of their children, and for Yang Qinji, a 68-year-old father, the case is even more so.
On March 27, 2007, Yang ended his life (by jumping into the Salisbury sea in Hong Kong)-modify verb ,( one day after he managed to help his 29-year-old daughter meet her icon)-adverb course , Hong Kong pop star Andy Lau, leaving a posthumous letter pleading Lau to meet his daughter for another time, reported sina.com, a leading Chinese web portal.
A 12-year craze for pop singer
Yang Lijuan, the daughter, fell strongly for Lau after having a dream about him - a picture in her room bearing the words "You walk close to me, and we fell in love with each other." She quitted school since then, and turned into a full-time die-hard fan of Andy Lau.
Over the past 12 years, she has, through various means, expressed her admiration for Lau, and attended his concerts or fan meetings whenever possible, paying two trips to Hong Kong and six to Beijing.
Unwilling to see their daughter's heart broken, Yang's parents, especially the father, a retired middle school teacher, have stood by her all these years, trying to meet her demands. In October 2004, the father even accompanied his daughter to attend a Lau's concert at the Workers' Stadium in Beijing.
However, the daughter's craze for Lau also caused huge economic burden to the not-so-rich family.
In 2004, in order to raise money for her daughter's second trip to Hong Kong, the father sold their house, and the family has since lived in a rented house. In 2006, he even considered selling his kidney to pay his daughter's third Hong Kong trip, causing a media outcry.
To this girl-- her live value is Lau.
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- Ella
- 一念和Ella屬同族同源,卻又各自為政,且各有喜好,此乃終極矛盾之組合,正符陰陽調和之氣。